Painted Bookshelves

There are few things I love more than a great set of bookshelves... unless the interior of said bookshelves has been painted in some gorgeous color. Here's what I mean: 

I love how the blue of these shelves' interior (via domino, pinned here) is a few shades darker than the wall color (also seriously loving that hide rug). 

This red! I like how the rest of the room is pretty low key so the red insides can really make a statement (via Architectural Digest by Steven Volpe, pinned here), but other red accents throughout the room (pillows, dress in photograph) tie it all together. 

Here's a simple favorite (by Steven Gambrel and pinned here from this blog). Such a beautiful shade of blue for the shelves' backs, and the leather chest is a beautiful complement. And those antique horses! Amazing.

This post from Crane Concept (pinned here) walks through how to DIY these built-ins. The black paint here makes the shelves look like they go on to infinity (and beyond)--a great optical illusion. (The rug is killer, too... see this post for where to find an affordable option for yourself!)

This idea is also really effective and gorgeous in stand-alone shelves. Antony Todd, a wonderful space on 11th and University, has these amazing shelves that I drool over every time: 

This beautiful display cabinet was for sale on Viyet-- it has since sold, sadly, but inspirational all the same! DIY, anyone??

And then, of course, there's the wallpaper-backed route. I'm particularly obsessed with the island vibe in this image (via PS I Made This with a video outlining the process here):

This wallpaper is always a favorite, especially when it's tucked in somewhere unexpectedly, like here (via Apartment Therapy and pinned here):

Here's that tropical vibe again... loving it (via Cup of Jo and pinned here):

This can be a great DIY, too! In high school, my dear mother and I actually "wallpapered" the back of my built-in bookshelves with wrapping paper... but that's another story for another day :)

Have you ever  painted the backs of your shelves? Have you seen any especially beautiful examples of someone who has? Let me know in the comments below!

DIY: Tapestry Headboard

I came across this fantastic image from Anthology magazine while I was searching for headboard ideas for my dear friend's new apartment. So cool, right? Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 9.20.38 AM

Here's another inspiration image from the August Black blog:

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She’s looking for a calming, serene retreat in her bedroom, but also loves the boho chic feel, which we’ll incorporate in other rooms of her apartment (more on that to come down the road!). Headboards are one of my favorite parts of the room to DIY because there are just so many options. This solution for a headboard is so very simple and can be quite inexpensive: all you need is the tapestry and a bedframe upon which to set the mattress.

I did a quick eBay search which came up with some gorgeous options, like this big Suzani tapestry:

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Or this one:

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Love the colors here:

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And here:

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Pretty pink:

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To fit in with her image of a calming space, I encouraged her to pick out a more neutral one, like this:

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Or this one:

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The tapestry could be attached directly to the wall or it could be mounted on a wood support to be a bit sturdier--it looks like the inspiration image did the latter. Erin Williamson did a great tutorial here, and Mr. Kate used a gorgeous different technique here.

Have you ever used a nonconventional headboard? How did it turn out? Let me know here or in the comments below!